Cheap PBN backlinks. Buy PBN building service

We build custom PBN websites at the lowest price. Each of the websites will contain only your PBN backlinks, and you’ll be the only owner. Our PBN building service promotes your website’s search position in Google and is absolutely safe.

For $39, you’ll get a smoothly running website on a hosting with gTLD domain for 1 year – all costs included!

Our PBN websites look neat, are well-designed and errorfree. The websites are extremely fast. A backlink from a PBN website will be flawless and the most natural.

  • PBN is a private network of websites that is widely used for SEO purposes, for offpage optimization when promoting a website with external links. The method is based on using abandoned/not renewed (by former owners) domains, aka drops, which still have active links from other websites. Thus, such a drop passes its existing link juice to your website.

Hence, your project will get more free organic traffic from search engines. Beat your competitors by climbing higher in search results, attract real visitors, and turn traffic into profits.

Who needs PBN?

Of course, it’s competitive commercial niches that primarily need good backlinks! Even for quite young websites, it’s now very difficult to compete with high-budget market giants that have accumulated numerous backlinks in the last few years.

Even with a perfectly optimized website, there comes a time when any business has to get external links to the website. Staying in Google’s top, demonstrating positive dynamics and traffic growth is all about backlinks.

PBNs are often used in such “toxic” niches as gambling, betting, pharma, dating, forex, alcohol/tobacco, and so on. Webmasters/website owners sell backlinks from their resources to such niches very unwillingly, and if they do – such links cost a fortune. Any “toxic” website optimizer faces hurdle – the backlink is almost impossible to buy due to local laws, prejudices, optimizers’ irrational fears to harm their white hat project.

PBN websites are a perfect solution to this problem – forget about hard-nosed negotiations with website owners, you won’t have to convince them, haggle, or pay more just because of your “complex subject.” Just contact us! We work with almost any niche (bur for Adult). We’ll take care of any number of your new websites – at the lowest price with one-time “for good” payment.

Are PBNs safe?

Yes, provided they are built by professionals. PBN is built exclusively for your project – it doesn’t take part in any tenders, doesn’t sell any links. Simply put, it’s just another nice website on the Internet that you won’t tell from thousands of others. No one will suspect your PBN of trading/affiliation with the final recipient of the link juice. Our PNBs are anonymous and never compromise the real owner. Indeed, PBNs are officially seen as a search engine manipulation that Google doesn’t welcome. But Google will impose no fines, penalties, and sanctions if it’s all done correctly and carefully. We’ve built thousands of PBN websites, and our clients are doing well.

As it stands now, PBN is the third best way of link promotion in terms of cost efficiency after organic links and Outreach.

  • 0 risks.
  • 0 footprints
  • 0 affiliation.
  • 100% anonymity.

Backlinks from our PBNs will look like a typical recommendation of a website from another one. After all, that was search engines’ initial idea of how backlinks affect website authority (proof), we “respect” these rules and “follow” them, or as they say – try to prove a negative. Rumors the PBN is a black hat are nothing but prejudice – of course, provided that your PBNs don’t look like doorways (spoiler – ours don’t).

  • We don’t show our works and portfolio to anyone because we won’t show yours either. Our cooperation with you is based on a bit of trust up-front and expertise of the text you’re reading right now.

Why is our PBN building service unique?

Be sure, we know about similar services offered on the market, we see the prices, we know ins and outs of how these networks are built, all the business/technological processes that determine the final product price and the estimated margin. It’s a common belief that PBNs are about hefty price tags, tough stuff, risks, and poor quality. We’ll convince you otherwise.

Even a small business can afford it and get results. Indeed, there is a total budget (including the cost of the drop’s domain and hosting, paid software+services) + time worked + profit. We’ve optimized our processes to find a golden mean – to reduce costs and to boost efficiency so that everyone can benefit. Our PBN cases have shown excellent results in 1-2-year terms. Price, volume, and speed are our competitive advantages.

What do our typical PBN websites look like?

  1. Our PBNs are html, we save on a hosting, we don’t need php and sql – just a disk space and Nginx
  2. Each website is initially built on WordPress, but we turn it into static files to save resources – it looks all-neat, attractive, without any broken images and external links, and other troubles typical for the websites restored from web archives.
  3. We generate the content by GPT; it contains images and videos from public sources – the content is as close to your website subject as possible and is perfectly indexed. Google loves our content.
  4. Anchor list 50/50 – search queries/url.
  5. The dofollow backlink to your website is located on the home page, in the content, on the first screen – as close to the beginning of the content and the website.
  6. The drops’ existing link juice is accumulated by 301 redirects to the home page, which gets the maximum juice; no 404 and loss of precious backlinks.
  7. There are no more than 2 external links from your PBN – on the official WordPress website and the template author – the drop is custom-built for you, there’ll never be any other external links.
  8. The templates are all public and free – there are thousands of them, and we almost never repeat designs of our PBNs.
  9. we proxy (hide from competitors’ and SEs’ prying eyes) the network using a public free service and it works perfectly for years – thus, we can keep our PBN absolutely anonymous
  10. Our PBNs’ average indexation rate – >90% in 1-2 months.
  11. When searching for drops (abandoned domains), we focus on indicators provided by the link juice estimation services and SemRush.
  12. The domain owners are hidden with a Private Person service – everything is anonymous.
  13. If you want, we can close your PBN from link profile analytics systems’ bots at the server level: Ahrefs, Majestic, Semrush, Moz, WebArchive, and so on, as well as from competitors and prying eyes. If you don’t want to close it, then these indicators will rapidly grow: DR, UR, CF, TF, PA, DA, etc.
  14. The system Tier3 – > Tier2 -> acceptor is possible.
    Or a direct link PBN -> Acceptor.
  15. We don’t participate in domain auctions, don’t compete with other buyers for a “fat” drop with million-dollar budgets – we find the best public domains that we can buy here and now, the best from the vacant ones. That’s why we work fast, with high volumes, and at the lowest price. And our strategy is OK.
  16. Our PBNs don’t strive to be a perfect website (in every detail) – these PBNs don’t aim at heading the search results, generating traffic and monetization. The main task of a PBN website is to have its personal good external links from the previous owners, to have a server response code 200, to be stably indexed by Google, and to pass all its page rank to the acceptor.
  • It is important for our clients to have real expectations before buying a PBN. The website network is only about manipulating ranking and SEO, not about traffic and conversions.

PBN cost, price, and terms

The best option – $39 for 1 PBN, all inclusive! We’ll do everything ourselves.

All we ask you to do before we start working is to fill in a brief and renew domains/hosting every year. When we finish, we’ll give you a complete report on the work done, you get all the accesses, logins, passwords, emails, and from now on, this PBN is your asset and property. You can change all the passwords. Everything is absolutely honest and transparent.

The minimum order is 30 PBNs.

If you still have any doubts, we can make 1 test PBN for you to demonstrate our quality at 50 USD/50 euro.

If you want and find it convenient, you can register yourself – open accounts, enter your data, top up your account, and give us your login and password to buy drops. The same can be done with hosting.

Costs PBN:

  • gTLD domain – about $13/year
  • hosting (one for all) $30$/year.
  • Our work – $22/1 PBN

How to buy PBN, you order – we start working, lead time

Start with sending us an email, we speak English only.

We need your website subject and url, which the PBN will link to

  1. Number of websites in the PBN
  2. Anchor list
  3. Prepayment for buying domains/hosting

We work with legal entities worldwide (we are Dubai-based company)

It will take us about 2 weeks to build a PBN consisting of 100 websites.
Sometimes, we are overloaded with orders – in our correspondence, we’ll immediately determine when we start your project and when we complete it. No surprises. We understand – everyone has their reporting deadlines, budgets, and plans.

  • Answering a popular question, “how many PBNs do we need to promote the ….. query to the top N,” we’ll just say that it all comes down to the competition and query frequency. But above all, you should keep in mind that SEO is about a long-term game. You’ll get the first results in 1-2 months, which then stabilize. Next, we’ll put even pressure on the necessary target pages to get the desired result.

SEO agencies (who understand what PBNs we sell are) are welcome to cooperate. Reselling is welcome. Long-term partnership has priority over non-repeat orders. Cryptocurrency accepted.


Convincing? Email us at: [email protected]